Fallout 4 Less Guns Mod

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Fallout 4 Less Guns Mod Rating: 8,4/10 2113 votes

Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost: VATS Enhanced: 40% less Action Point cost: Violent: Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil: Wounding.

For a list of unique weapon locations in Fallout 4, see Fallout 4 unique weapons.
For a list of legendary effects for weapons, see Legendary weapon effects.
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  • This page lists all weapons in Fallout 4.
    • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
    • For weapons in other Fallout games, please see 'Weapon'.
    • For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout 4'.


    Unlike previous installments, weapons in Fallout 4 fall under three classifications: normal, legendary, and unique. Normal weapons have no special statistics on them whatsoever. Legendary weapons come with random bonuses applied to them, and are only dropped by legendary enemies. Unique weapons are weapons that are already named and will always retain the same special bonus. Uniques are typically either bought from merchants or are quest rewards. Normal and legendary weapons will change their name when mods are applied, unique weapons will not.

    All stats are given with standard weapon modifications.

    Weapon statisticsEdit

    General note: In the following descriptions, the statistics that are shown while playing the game will be referred to as in-game numbers, while the numbers used by the game's code will be referenced as internal numbers. Internal numbers can only be gathered through game editor or console use.
    Accuracy (): This is the Accuracy stat displayed in-game, which is derived from the internal game numbers for projectile deflection angles in an unknown way. See Spread for details on the internal measurements.
    Action Point cost (): The number of Action Points used per activation in V.A.T.S. Generally, this is a one shot equivalent for semi-automatic weapons, but automatic weapons may fire several rounds.
    Ammunition used (): The type of ammunition the weapon uses. This may be changed by the use of receiver mods.
    Armor piercing: The amount of the target's damage resistance the weapon ignores.[1] Also known as armor penetration.
    Bash damage: This is the amount of damage a projectile weapon does when used as a melee weapon.
    Critical hit Damage (): Most unmodified weapons that achieve a critical hit adds twice the base amount of damage to the hit. The more specialized Sneak Attack Critical deals twice the damage of a common critical strike.
    Damage (): This is the damage caused by a single click of the mouse/trigger. For most small guns, that's a single bullet, but for shotguns the damage is equally split between the shell's pellets, and for the Gatling laser it's a single beam.
    Damage per second (): The manually calculated maximum cyclic damage dealt in one second, expressed as rate of fire multiplied by damage. Weapons that require a reload every shot have damage per second shown including reload times; all others show sustained rates without reloads.
    Magazine capacity or shots per reload (): The maximum ammunition capacity of the weapon or the maximum number of shots possible before requiring a reload.
    Magnification: The scope or sight mod's magnification rating.
    Range (): In-game, range is a generalized stat for how far a weapon's projectile can go before suffering from damage loss. How this number is derived from internal values and related to actual distances is unknown.
    There are two hidden internal range ratings, the minimum and maximum range. Between point blank and the minimum range, damage is full. Between minimum range and maximum range, damage decreases down to the out of range value at a linear rate. Beyond maximum range, damage is reduced by the out of range value. Typically, the out of range value is a 50% loss of damage, though some weapons are higher or lower.
    Distance for range is rated differently internally: most ranged weapons begin with range being 256 units and some research indicates that that 256 of these internal units is meant to equal approximately 12 feet, but more effort is needed to confirm.[2]
    Rate of fire (): The in-game given number gives the maximum cyclic number of shots/attacks per 10 seconds, without considering reloading.
    This is internally derived from the weapons attack delay rating divided by its speed rating However, if a weapon is converted to automatic or bolt-action fire, the time between shots becomes derived purely from its speed and/or firing animation duration.[3]
    Recoil: Recoil is the visible movement of the weapon upon firing. Like spread it is represented in maximum possible degrees from the center. Unlike spread which is the invisible possible deviation of the projectile from a perfect shot, recoil visibly moves the weapon and crosshairs, and can be additive with spread. Unlike spread which has a completely random direction, recoil has a limited 'window' which the kick can move the weapon.[4]
    Reload / Reload speed: This is made up of at least two factors. The base reload speed is derived from the reload animation speed in seconds. There is also a second internal value called reload speed that affects reload time in an unknown way, beyond the fact that higher values result in faster reloads.
    Sight time: This is the amount of time it takes to transition from hip firing to sighted or scoped state, in seconds.
    Sighted spread: The amount a weapon's spread is reduced to when aiming down a sight or scope.
    Spread (): Spread is the hidden internal number of degrees from a perfectly centered shot that a projectile can potentially deflect. For example, a combat shotgun has a spread of 12°. When firing it, each of the 8 pellets produced by the weapon can proceed separately from between 0° to 12°, randomly generated, in a separately randomly generated 360° cone.
    Most weapons have a minimum spread, when the shooter is standing still and fully focused, and a maximum spread. The degree of spread somewhat corresponds to the width of the crosshairs.
    Spread increases with each shot, by an amount different for each weapon, and slowly reverts to base spread after a slight delay.[4]
    Stability: This is an internal value that represents the amount of movement a sight or scope has without player involvement. How the internal number relates to actual movement is currently unknown, beyond the fact that higher stability means less movement.[4]
    Value to weight ratio (): This is the manually calculated ratio of the base weapon value in caps to the weapon weight.
    Weapon value in caps (): Base value of the weapon in caps. Resale value is affected by Barter skill.
    Weight (): Weight value of the weapon that applies to encumbrance. Weapon weight also increases the amount of time it takes for you to ADS (aim down sights) or 'scope.' This is explained in a loading screen tool-tip
    Unique weapon entries are shaded.

    Ballistic weaponsEdit


    Base ID
    .44 pistol 48 28.8 611966 35 1.2.44 round 6 4.2 99 19000ce97d
    Eddie's Peace 48 28.8 6 125 81.44 round 6 5 454 90.800225ae9
    Kellogg's pistol 48 28.8 6 119 70.44 round 6 4.3 449 104.400225ac1
    The Gainer 48 28.8 6 119 74.44 round 6 4.6 468 101.700225ae7
    10mm pistol 18 82.8 46 83 60 28 1.510mm 12 3.5 50 14.300004822
    Wastelander's Friend 27 124.2 46 107 7810mm 24 7.3 772 128.7001f61e6
    Deliverer 25 165 66 6067 26 1.6910mm 12 4.4 774 175.9000dc8e7
    Classic 10mm pistol 28 41 119 6210mm 12 4.9 53 10.8fe0f99

    Ultimatum 28 41 119 6210mm 12 4.9 53 10.8fe0f99
    Flare gun 10 3 3 146 74 40 0.25Flare 1 2 50 25001025ac
    Western revolver 60 36 6 66 40 0.25.44 round 6 5.2 990415b3


    Base ID
    Assault rifle 30 120 40 119 72 32 0.945.56mm 30 13.1 144 110000463f
    Combat rifle 33 108.9 33 119 70 25 1.32.45 20 11.1 117 10.5000df42e
    December's Child 33 135 415.56mm
    Overseer's Guardian 55 495 90 109 76.45 20 11.1 117 10.5000df42e
    Gauss rifle 110 726 66 191 69 30 3.672mm EC 7 15.8 228 14.4000d1eb0
    The Last Minute 204 66 203 1122mm EC 20 21.6 65000022b603
    Handmade rifle 32 128 40 119 72 327.62 round 10 12.8 136 10.6033b60
    The Problem Solver 57 56 59 185 927.62 round
    Splattercannon 51 576.3 113 89 1087.62 round 75 23.6 6855 290.5
    Hunting rifle 37 11.1 3 131 71 28 1.32.308 5 9.6 55 5.70004f46a
    Reba 37 11.1 3 131 71.308 5 9.6 55 5.7001abc92
    Reba II 64 25.6 4 215 92.308 5 15.5 306 19.7
    Tinker Tom Special 55 16.5 3 185 112.308 1 16.7 706 42.3001f2675
    Lever-action rifle 35 17.5 5 122 72 26 1.35.45-70 5 9 150 16.702c8b0
    Lucky Eddy 35 17.5 5 122 72.45-70 5 9 201 22.3
    Old Reliable 70 35 5 122 61.45-70 5 9 801 89
    Radium rifle 27 108 40 119 72 25 1.08.45 20 11.1 80 7.2025fc4
    Kiloton radium rifle 27 108 40 119 72.45 20 11.1
    Radical Conversion 27 108 40 119 72.45 20 11.1
    Railway rifle 100 100 10 119 69 20 5Railway spike 10 14.4 290 20.1000fe268
    Submachine gun 10 127 127 107 63 35 0.28.45 50 12.7 109 8.60015b043
    Silver submachine gun 10 127 127 107 63.45 50 13.8 121 8.8001b28f7
    Spray n' Pray 33 419.1 127 77 69.45 19 1084 57.1
    Syringer Variable Variable 2 119 72 35Syringer ammo 6.2 132 21.30014d09e


    Fallout 4 Less Guns Mod
    Base ID
    Combat shotgun 50 100 20 47 23 35 1.43Shotgun shell 8 11.1 87 7.80014831c
    Justice 50 100 20 35 28Shotgun shell 15.5 1076 69.4001f61e4
    Le Fusil Terribles 62 124 20 71 29Shotgun shell 15.7 389 24.800225771
    Double-barrel shotgun 45 162 36 47 16 30Shotgun shell 2 9 39 4.3300092217

    Pipe weaponsEdit

    Base ID
    Pipe bolt-action 34 6.8 2 95 63 29 1.17.308 6 3.2 30 9.40014831a
    Pipe gun 13 71.5 55 83 57 30 0.43.38 12 2.3 20 8.700024f55
    Pipe revolver 24 14.4 6 83 61 35 0.68.45 6 4.2 25 6.00014831b

    Heavy weaponsEdit

    Base ID
    Fat Man 468 1 117 63 60 7.8Mini nuke 1 30.7 512 16.7000bd56f
    Big Boy 486 1 117 39Mini nuke 1 30.7 12405 404.07
    The Striker 100 1 117 63 60 1.66Modified bowling ball 1 30.7 2512 81.82031702
    Nuka-nuke launcher 833 1 117 63Nuka-nuke 1 36 650 18.06
    Flamer 12 108 90 47 53 30Flamer fuel 100 16.1 137 8.51000e5881
    Sergeant Ash 13 117 90 47 53Flamer fuel 100 16.1
    Harpoon gun 150 2 143 63 40Harpoon 1 16.3 205 12.58010b81
    Admiral's Friend 150 2 143 63 40Harpoon 1 16.3 1005 61.66
    Skipper's Last Stand 165 2 143 63 40Harpoon 1 16.3 1005 61.66
    Defender's Harpoon Gun 150 2 143 63 40Harpoon 1 16.3 1005 61.66

    Junk Jet 40 20 119 75 30 Most junk items 29.9 285 6.2000e942b
    Minigun 8 217.6 272 131 35 305mm 500 27.4 382 140001f669
    Ashmaker 9 281.7 313 77 395mm 500 28.7 1755 61.1
    Missile launcher 150 2 203 65 45Missile 1 21 314 14.950003f6f8
    Partystarter 150 2 191 107Missile 28.5 4822 ? ?
    Death From Above 151 2 203 65Missile 21 4479 ? ?
    Broadsider 108 2 203 63 40Cannonball 1 27.4 245 9000fd11b

    Energy weaponsEdit


    Base ID
    Institute laser 15 99 66 71 70 25Fusion cell 30 3.9 50 12.8001633cc
    Virgil's rifle 33 217.8 66 227 85Fusion cell 7.2 384 53.300225aba
    Laser musket 30 18 6 71 70 30Fusion cell 1 12.6 57 4.50001dacf
    Laser gun 24 120 50 71 25Fusion cell 30 3.5 69 19.70009983b
    Old Faithful 29 145 50 71 71Fusion cell 4.5 929 206.4
    Survivor's Special 26 19 44 47 42Fusion cell 4.8 340 70.800225abc
    Protectron's Gaze 54 307.8 57 47 44Fusion cell 30 5.1 352
    Good Intentions 21 237.3 113 194 82Fusion cell 7.9 393 49.7
    Prototype UP77 'Limitless Potential' 24 120 50 227 96Fusion cell 6.5 355 54.6
    Righteous Authority 26 130 50 203 76Fusion cell 27 5.5 326 59.3
    Wazer Wifle 55 275 50 302 76Fusion cell 6.3 364 57.800225965
    Gatling laser 14 380.8 272 203 30Fusion core 500 19.3 804 41.7000e27bc
    Final Judgment 14 476 340 203 48Fusion core 500 19.3 3804 197.1
    Aeternus 79 355.5 45 251 63Fusion core 500 39.3 4799


    Base ID
    Plasma gun 24+24 115.5 33 119 30Plasma cartridge 30 3.9 123 31.500100ae9
    Experiment 18-A 25+25 680 136 203 140 6.6Plasma cartridge001f61e9
    Sentinel's Plasmacaster 24+24 270.6 33 119 148Plasma cartridge 4.8 602 125.400225967


    All these weapons count as non automatic weapons and thus work with either Gunslinger, Rifleman, or Sniper respectively, except the Cryolator, which is counted as a heavy gun and thus works with Heavy Gunner.

    Base ID
    Alien blaster pistol 50 500 100 119 20Alien blaster round or Fusion cell 42 2.5 1551 620.4000ff995
    Hub's Alien Blaster 58 580 100 149 76 20Alien blaster round or Fusion cell 42 2.5 2751 1100.4043416
    Cosmic cannon 36 90 77 72Fusion cell 33 5.5 95fe0864
    Cryolator 20 180 90 71 66 20Cryo cell 25 13.2 302 22.900171b2b
    Thirst Zapper Varies Varies 100 If modified, Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cherry, or Nuka-Cola Quantum 2 10 5007bc8
    Salvaged assaultron head 35 + 45 11 93 65Fusion cell Charged single shot 8 40 50100b7
    Tesla rifle 38 152 40 83 70Fusion cell 15 8.1 90 11.1003e07

    Radiation weaponsEdit

    These weapons produce radiation damage, including both direct damage from explosions and damage over time from exposure and poisoning. There is some variance in how damage is dealt within this class of weapon; please consult each weapon's page for specific details. Also, the radiation page explains the unique ways that this kind of damage is handled by the game. These are affected by the perk Nuclear Physicist in terms of radiation damage.


    Base ID
    Gamma gun 110 121 66 119 30Gamma round 8 3 156 52000ddb7c
    Lorenzo's Artifact gun 25+10 38.5 66 203 69Gamma round 4.5 753 167.3002266f7
    Zeta gun 57 62.7 66 119Gamma round 8 3.1 156 50002266fc

    Poison weaponsEdit

    Poison weapons utilize the poison damage type to deal ongoing damage to targets.

    Base ID
    Acid Soaker 11 ? 66 35 94 ? ? ?Acid concentrate 20 3 125 42007bc6


    Explosives have a maximum range of 93. They seem to hit an invisible wall at their maximum range. Explosives benefit from the Bloody Mess, Demolition Expert and SCAV! - Cautionary Crafts perks, but only for their 'primary' damage effects (which always includes the Explosive legendary prefix); this is why the Pulse grenade and Pulse mine are not affected by any of the 3.

    Fallout 4 More Guns Mod


    AOE Base ID
    Baseball grenade 101 1 40 4000107bd6
    Cryogenic grenade 151 0.5 50 100000ff21d
    Fragmentation grenade 151 0.5 50 100000eebed
    Fragmentation grenade MIRV 1 1 75 75033905
    Smart fragmentation grenade 151 0.6 60 1000346fc
    HalluciGen gas grenade 1 1 35 35000e98e5
    Fury grenade 1 1 35 3502618b
    Persuasion grenade 1 1 35 35023e60
    Predator grenade 1 1 35 35025b0a
    Homing beacon 1 1 0 000065dec
    Institute EM pulse grenade 150 0.5 100 2000018325e
    Molotov cocktail 51 0.5 20 400010c3c6
    Nuka grenade 301 + 100 0.5 100 200000e5750
    Nuka Cherry grenade 201 0.5 50 100040cdd
    Nuka Quantum grenade 301 0.5 50 100040cde
    Plasma grenade 150 + 150 0.5 135 2700010a33d
    Pulse grenade 150 , Secondary 0.5 100 200000ff21f

    Fallout 4 Less Guns Mod


    AOE Base ID
    Bottlecap mine 301 0.5 75 1500010771f
    Cryo mine101 0.5 50 1000010c669
    Fragmentation mine 101 0.5 50 100000e56c2
    Nuke mine 301 + 100 0.5 100 2000010a340
    Plasma mine 150 + 150 0.5 100 2000010a342
    Pulse mine 150 0.5 100 2000010a344

    Faction explosivesEdit

    AOE Base ID
    Artillery smoke grenade 1 0.5 0 00012e2ca
    Institute beacon 1 0.5 0 000174f8f
    Synth relay grenade 1 0.5 50 100000589f2
    Vertibird signal grenade 1 0.5 10 2000056917



    Placed trap name AOE Base ID
    Bear trap 8054072
    Bleeding bear trap 80540f7
    Caltrops 0.505406e
    Poisoned caltrops 0.50540ed

    Melee weaponsEdit

    Easy minute to win it games. Damage found in the table is base damage, every point of Strength adds 10% to it. Several perks can further increase the damage displayed for a melee weapon.


    Bladed weapons can dismember limbs of humanoid opponents, permanently damaging the limb and disarming the target. Like all melee weapons, bladed weapons benefit from Big Leagues and Strength.

    Base ID
    Assaultron blade 17 19.8 Medium 35 3 50008b8e
    Chinese officer sword 16 18.7 Medium 35 0.46 3 50 16.700147be4
    General Chao's Revenge 28 34 Medium 35 0.8 3 775 258.3

    Sword of Wonders 16 Medium 3 325 108.3050dd3

    Zao's sword 16 22 Medium 35 0.46 3 50 16.7001f0860
    Combat knife 9 16 Fast 20 0.45 1 25 25000913ca
    Pickman's Blade 15 59.9 Fast 20 0.75 1 143 1430022595f
    Disciples blade 20 Fast 20 1 1.5 80 53.301aabc
    Throatslicer 20 Fast 20 1 1.504e422
    Grognak's axe 25 29.8 Medium 20 1.25 10 100 1000183fcd
    Machete 14 16.2 Medium 30 0.47 2 25 12.500033fe0
    Kremvh's Tooth 28 + 3 50.2 Medium 30 0.93 + 0.1 2 2 500022576d
    Mr. Handy buzz blade 5 26.2 Very Fast 40 10 500020f8
    Revolutionary sword 16 18.7 Medium 35 0.46 3 50 16.700143ab5
    Shem Drowne sword 16 + 9 20.4 Medium 35 0.46 + 0.26 3 250 8.30000364a
    Ripper 4 21 Very Fast 40 0.7 6 50 8.3000fa2f6
    Reckoning 4 25 Very Fast 40 6 50 8.30022b604
    The Harvester 4 Very Fast 40 6 250 41.704fa7e
    Shishkebab 13 + 13 15.3 Medium 35 0.37 + 0.37 3 200 67000fa2fb
    Switchblade 8 14.6 Fast 20 0.4 1 20 20000fdc81


    Blunt weapons tend to stagger opponents more frequently than bladed weapons. Like all melee weapons, blunt weapons benefit from Big Leagues and Strength.

    Base ID
    Baseball bat 16 12.1 Slow 35 0.46 3 25 8.30008e736
    2076 World Series baseball bat 16 16.5 Slow 35 0.46 3 325 108.300226438
    Cito's Shiny Slugger 123 Slow 7.5 175 28.304f084
    Fencebuster 44 Slow 35 1.26 3 125 41.704923c
    Rockville Slugger 21 12.7 Slow 21 1 3.5 133 38001f2674
    Board 14 10.5 Slow 33 0.42 3 20 6.70005c250
    Commie Whacker 10 Medium 25 0.4 2 25 12.5052926
    Lead pipe 11 12.8 Medium 30 0.37 3 15 5000fc9c3
    Pipe wrench 13 15.3 Medium 35 0.37 2 30 15000d83bf
    Big Jim 13 17.9 Medium 35 0.37 2 150 750023e5ec
    Pole hook 63 Slow 40 7 52 7.4009582

    Bloodletter 30 Slow 40 7 52 7.4034e7b
    The Fish Catcher 86 Slow 7 312 44.605158d
    Pool cue 13 9.9 Slow 30 0.43 1 10 10000fa3e8
    Rolling pin 11 12.8 Medium 25 0.44 1 10 1000142fab
    Baton 11 12.8 Medium 30 0.37 2 15 7.50008c14d
    Sledgehammer 23 17.6 Slow 40 0.58 12 40 3.3000e7ab9
    Super sledge 40 30.8 Slow 45 0.89 20 180 9000ff964
    Atom's Judgement 40 + 100 Slow 45 2003a388
    Swatter 17 ? Slow 35 0.49 3 30 1000061721
    Tire iron 12 13.6 Medium 25 0.48 2 25 12.500185d25
    Walking cane 10 11.9 Medium 20 0.5 2 10 5000fdc7d

    Fist weaponsEdit

    Fist weapons benefit from the Iron Fist perk as well as from Strength. Note that fist weapons cannot be used while wearing power armor.

    Base ID
    Boxing glove 9 10.2 Medium 25 0.36 1 10 100016498f
    Deathclaw gauntlet 25 29.8 Medium 40 0.63 10 75 7.5000d8576
    Knuckles 10 9.4 Medium 25 0.4 0.5 10 200005524b
    Meat hook 20 Medium 2 3204b5f4
    Butcher's Hook 20 Medium 205158c
    Power fist 20 23.8 Medium 35 0.57 4 100 250011b336

    Renaming weaponsEdit

    In Fallout 4, the player character is able to rename any weapon, including unique weapons, at any weapons workbench. However, the silver submachine gun, the Survivor's Special, Ashmaker and Grognak's axe cannot be renamed, nor will they pick up any prefixes from modding them such as hardened or punishing, etc. Renaming weapons does not affect any weapon stats. This primarily adds a level of personalization to weapons and can help avoid accidentally disassembling a favored weapon.

    • Special and accented characters (i.e. alt-codes) can be used when renaming a weapon, but some of those will be replaced with '?'.
    • Since patch 1.3, HTML tags (e.g. <u>, <i>) can no longer be used to change the appearance of the weapons name.


    Weapons may be modified in Fallout 4. Each weapon has modification 'slots' (e.g. barrel, grip, magazine, sights) that may be modified with increasingly powerful or useful mods by the player character based on their perks. However, the player character may salvage useful mods that are not yet available via the player character's perk level by simply modifying any weapon that already has the mod of interest.[5] By replacing the mod of interest with any available mod the original mod goes into inventory and may then be used to alter the player character's chosen weapon without regard for their perk level. Unique weapons do not offer this capability; their special mods are 'reserved' and since they are unique, no other examples are available to be salvaged.


    If a player character puts unique and legendary weapons in a container in a settlement, nearby NPCs, like settlers or even enemy attackers, can randomly take them and they may be irretrievable. Therefore, access to personal containers should be restricted, either by obstructing the expected path used by them to reach the container, or by the use of powered doors, holes, floating structures, etc.


    • Playstation 4 Sometimes, when starting the game, gunfire cannot be heard on certain weapons. This can be fixed by re-starting the game or re-loading to a previous save file.[verified]
    • PCPlaystation 4 Sometimes, when using a night vision scope, the night vision effect will stick around after going out of the scope.[verified]

    See alsoEdit

    In Fallout 4Edit

    In the rest of the Fallout seriesEdit


    1. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/189
    2. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Unit
    3. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Talk:Weapons
    5. Notes from page for Gun Nut perk

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