Kotor 2 Dxun Sith Tomb

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Kotor 2 Dxun Sith Tomb Rating: 8,0/10 1453 votes

This modification allows you to send Kreia to the Dxun tomb of Freedon Nadd IF you have joined Vaklu's side. You cannot take her along on the Queen's side still. This modification moves Atton mentioning the repair of the Hawk from after Onderon is finished.

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
< Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Table of Contents Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  • Character generation
Mini games
Telos: Citadel Station
Ranged weapons
Melee weapons
Droid equipment
Upgrade items
  • 2Lightsaber
  • 3Short Lightsaber

All lightsabers have Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency – Lightsaber, which is only granted to Jedi classes, and are upgradeable (unless otherwise stated).

A lightsaber is normally required to use Jedi Defense (Blaster Bolt Deflection) and a Jedi Guardian's Force Jump.

LightsaberDamage: EnergyCritical ThreatBalanced
Double-Bladed Lightsaber2241320-20,x2Yes
Short Lightsaber216919-20,x2Yes

Double-Bladed Lightsaber[edit]

  • Damage: Energy, 2-24 (2d12)
  • Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

These exotic weapons are rare, and most often associated with Jedi attracted to the dark side of the Force, for whom reckless aggression is sometimes considered an asset. The double-bladed lightsaber is capable of inflicting more damage - but is also less precise - than the single-bladed variant.

DxunSith TombSith Master1200
TelosEntertainment Module 081Dark Jedi Apprentice1200

After leaving Telos and finding the two remaining fixtures for crafting a lightsaber, then a Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Lightsaber or Short Lightsaber can be acquired from the remainder of the following:

Ebon HawkStarboard DormitoryVisas Marr12001
Nar ShaddaaDocksLootra12001
Nar ShaddaaDocksVogga's Horde12001
DxunMandalorian RuinsMandalore12001
OnderonWestern SquareDhagon Ghent12001
DantooineEnclave SublevelJorran13001
DantooineKhoondaMaster Vrook12001
KorribanSith AcademyDetention Room12001
KorribanSecret TombBurial Chamber12001
OnderonRoyal PalaceWest Security Complex12001


  • Damage: Energy, 2-20 (2d10)
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2

Traditionally associated with the Jedi, the lightsaber is a devastating weapon difficult to master. Properties can vary with the type of focusing crystal used in construction.

OnderonSky RampSith Lord900
Malachor VTrayus AcademyDarth Sion900

After leaving Telos and finding the two remaining fixtures for crafting a lightsaber, then a Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Lightsaber or Short Lightsaber can be acquired from the remainder of the following:

Ebon HawkStarboard DormitoryVisas Marr9001
Nar ShaddaaDocksLootra9001
Nar ShaddaaDocksVogga's Horde9001
DxunMandalorian RuinsMandalore9001
OnderonWestern SquareDhagon Ghent9001
DantooineEnclave SublevelJorran13001
DantooineKhoondaMaster Vrook9001
KorribanSith AcademyDetention Room9001
KorribanSecret TombBurial Chamber9001
OnderonRoyal PalaceWest Security Complex9001

Visas Marr's Lightsaber[edit]

  • Useable By: Visas Marr
  • Damage: Energy, 4-22 (2d10,+2)
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
  • Attack Modifier: +1
  • Not Upgradeable

This lightsaber belongs to Visas Marr and can only be used by her. Traditionally associated with the Jedi, the lightsaber is a devastating weapon difficult to master.

This can only be acquired using Cheats.

Short Lightsaber[edit]

  • Damage: Energy, 2-16 (2d8)
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
  • Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

Lightsabers can come in shorter styles, often used in the off hand during two-weapon fighting. As in larger versions, different focusing crystals can produce additional effects.

Malachor VTrayus AcademyElite Sith Assassin900

After leaving Telos and finding the two remaining fixtures for crafting a lightsaber, then a Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Lightsaber or Short Lightsaber can be acquired from the remainder of the following:

Ebon HawkStarboard DormitoryVisas Marr9001
Nar ShaddaaDocksLootra9001
Nar ShaddaaDocksVogga's Horde9001
DxunMandalorian RuinsMandalore9001
OnderonWestern SquareDhagon Ghent9001
DantooineEnclave SublevelJorran13001
DantooineKhoondaMaster Vrook9001
KorribanSith AcademyDetention Room9001
KorribanSecret TombBurial Chamber9001
OnderonRoyal PalaceWest Security Complex9001

Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber[edit]

  • Damage: Energy, 3-24 (3d8)
  • Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
  • On Hit: KnockdownDC 14
  • Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
  • Attack Modifier: +2
  • Not Upgradeable

This short lightsaber once belonged to the powerful Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Freedon Nadd trained with (and later destroyed) Naga Sadow's spirit and brought the power of the dark side to Onderon.

DxunSith TombMummified Corpse100001
Kotor 2 freedon nadd tomb sith master

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Astrographical information





Grid coordinates

Rotation period

Orbital period

Physical information




Primary terrain

Points of interest

Societal information

Native species

  • Zakkeg[1]
  • Boma[1]
  • Orbalisk[1]
  • Crasna[1]

Immigrated species

Primary language(s)


Major cities

Major imports

Major exports


  • Mandalorians[1]
  • Revan's Sith Empire[1]
'The only advice I'll give you when you're in the jungle, shoot anything that moves. Then shoot the things that don't move, just to be sure.'

Dxun (pronounced /'dʌksɪn/), also known as the Demon Moon, was the largest of four moons that orbited the Inner Rimworld of Onderon. Like its parent planet, it was covered almost entirely by dense jungles that were populated by many species of fierce, predatory animals.


'Blasted jungle's taking over everything!'

Despite being temperate and habitable, the jungles of Dxun posed major challenges for its inhabitants. Due to its constant rains and wet climate, mechanical devices did not last long and required continuous maintenance. Moreover, the jungles were inhabited by many dangerous predators such as bomas, cannoks, drexls, maalraas, skreevs, and zakkegs, forcing the moon's inhabitants to be armed at all times.

Though considered a moon of Onderon, Dxun and Onderon were almost sister planets. They were so close to one another that it was only a short shuttle ride between them, and they even shared a bit of the same atmosphere. Every year, during Dxun's summer season, the atmospheres of Onderon and Dxun would connect. This allowed the vicious Drexls to wander and settle on Onderon, thus laying the foundations for the Beast Wars.

Kotor 2 Sith Tomb Module


Early historyEdit

'The jungles of Dxun are filled with deadly predators. They will stalk you day and night, and the moment you let your guard down they will strike.'
―Qordis's ghost[src]

At the end of the Beast Wars, Jedi Master Arca Jeth decided to relocate the sarcophagus of Freedon Nadd, the former Dark Lord of the Sith and king of Onderon, from Onderon to Dxun, in an attempt to prevent future Sith from drawing on its power. The plan worked for the most part, though two of history's most pivotal Sith Lords, Exar Kun and Darth Bane, would later manage to enter the tomb of Freedon Nadd on Dxun.

At the end of the Great Sith War in 3996 BBY, Mandalore the Indomitable, leader of the Mandalorians, was eaten alive by the vicious beasts of Dxun.

Mandalorian WarsEdit

'We claimed this moon decades ago when we reforged ourselves after Exar Kun's defeat. Some of us call it home.'
―A MandalorianNeo-Crusader, circa 3951 BBY[src]

After assuming the leadership of the Mandalorians, Mandalore the Ultimate made Dxun his stronghold, from which he planned his attack on the Galactic Republic.

In 3963 BBY, the Mandalorian Wars expanded into a galaxy-wide conflict when the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders began their invasion of the Republic. From their headquarters on Dxun, Mandalore's forces attacked and took nearby Onderon in mere hours. A battle with the Republic forces took place on the moon, but it was little more that a rear-guard holding action by the Republic.

Years later, after the Jedi Revan and Malak had entered the war and pushed the Mandalorian forces back to their original Dxun staging-grounds, a far more bloody battle was fought. The Republic attempted to capture the Mandalorian headquarters on Dxun. Republic forces managed to defeat the Mandalorians, but the victory came at a heavy cost. The Mandalorian outposts were entrenched and well defended by hidden mines, traps, anti-air turrets, and the ferocious inhabitants of the jungle itself. During the bloody battle, the Republic lost ten soldiers for every Mandalorian killed. The Jedi Exile, who was in command of the battle, was forced to sacrifice dozens of her soldiers, sending them on a suicidal charge to disable the minefield that was the last obstacle keeping them away from the Mandalorian fortress.

After the battle, the Republic military did not bother to demolish many structures that the Mandalorians had built; nor did they uncover the many hidden weapons caches providently left in case the Mandalorians were someday to return.

Onderon Civil WarEdit

In 3956 BBY, Canderous Ordo took the title of Mandalore and gathered a handful of Mandalorians, most of whom were mercenaries at the time, on the Dxun moon, in the rebuilt headquarters of the old Mandalore. There they regrouped, concealing their presence from both the Republic and the native Onderonians, silencing all scouts who came anywhere near their encampment. Canderous hoped that, one day, the Mandalorians of Dxun would regain their former glory.

The Jedi Exile landed in the jungles of Dxun when her ship, the Ebon Hawk, was severely damaged in a space battle over Onderon where Republic forces commanded by ColonelTobin attacked them unprovoked, almost definitely under GeneralVaklu's orders. While exploring the jungle, the Exile was attacked by three of the Zhug brothers, who were also stranded by the space battle and looking to collect on her bounty. Later, the Exile was discovered by a group of Mandalorians, who brought her to the new Mandalore. She needed to get to Onderon to search for Jedi MasterKavar, but Canderous told her that she would need to prove herself first. The Exile performed several tasks for the Mandalorians and proved herself honorable, and Canderous made good on his word, providing a shuttle and accompanying her to the city of Iziz.

When the Onderon Civil War erupted, the Mandalorians fought alongside the Jedi Exile, despite, or perhaps because of her involvement in their defeat at Malachor V. Canderous provided the Exile with a repaired Basilisk war droid (several of its minor systems were malfunctioning) so that she could get into Iziz. Meanwhile, the Mandalorians and a party of the Exile's companions headed into the jungle to fight GeneralVaklu's Sith allies, who landed on Dxun via a craft of a KT-400 military droid carrier's design. They found the Sith inside and outside the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, where they were conducting a ritual to keep Onderon beasts under the control of Sith beastmasters.

The party started at a tunnel where they had to get through a minefield and disable a motion sensing alarm for alerting the Sith of a hostile presence. After, doing that, they disabled a power generator that controlled the droid sentry force of the Tomb and continued to neutralize three Sith troopers and a Sith officer who were guarding a terminal, what looked like a storage shed and the Sith's transport near the Tomb entrance. They then initiated a program via the terminal to order the mechanical sentry force (droids and turrets) to attack all hostiles and friendlies in the area, reducing the amount of the Sith the Exile's party's needed to take care of. The party continued to charge the Tomb entrance, which was heavily guarded by Dark Jedi Apprentices, Sith troopers and Sith Commandos—all of which were taken out and allowed the Exile's party to proceed into the Tomb itself. After battling Sith Commandos, Sith troopers, Sith officers, Sith Lords, Sith War Droid, Boma beasts, and Dark Jedi Apprentices to clear the tomb of all enemies, the party opened a locked door via an ancient terminal and met two Dark Jedi Masters and a Sith Master performing a ritual, which would put the Bomas under control of the Sith force attacking Onderon. They managed to accomplish their task before the Exile's party reached them. Following the confrontation, the Sith Master attempted to corrupt the party's leader to the dark side of the Force but was unsuccessful. The three Sith then went on the offensive; however, they were bested, resulting in their death. The party leader then removed Freedon Nadd's lightsaber from his sarcophagus and met up with Xarga who brought the Exile's party back to the Ebon Hawk and told them of the Exile's successful mission to bring peace to Onderon.

New Sith WarsEdit

Millennia later, in 1000 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Bane began training his new apprenticeDarth Zannah on Onderon. Bane left Onderon to find Freedon Nadd's tomb on Dxun after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. Bane immediately recognized it as a world infused with the dark side. It was here, in the well of darkness near Freedon Nadd's tomb, that Bane acquired orbalisk armor. By the time of Darth Bane, while the tomb and the well ranked as significant dark side sites, the entire moon had become a dark side site. Between the eras of Exar Kun and Darth Bane, Dxun was a common pilgrimage for those attempting to master the dark side of the Force.[4]

Behind the scenesEdit

The image of Dxun in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Dxun/Onderon turret minigame bears a resemblance to a mosaic of Mars images taken by Viking 1 Orbiter in February 22, 1980.[5]Westerado double barreled download.


Wookieepedia has 33 images related to Dxun.
  • Tales of the Jedi: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon(First appearance)
  • Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising 1(Mentioned only)
  • Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 4: Death of a Dark Jedi(Indirect mention only)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Flashpoint(Mentioned only)
  • Knights of the Old Republic 9: Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic(Codex entry)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught
  • Darth Plagueis(Mentioned only)


  • 'Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 1'—Star Wars Insider 26
  • 'Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 2'—Star Wars Insider 27
  • 'Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 3'—Star Wars Insider 28
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File1(SIT2, Dark Lords of the Sith)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File113(REV1, Naddist Revolt)
  • 'Message to Spacers 9' on Wizards.com(original article link, backup link)
  • 'The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol' on Hyperspace(article)(content removed from StarWars.com; new link on Suvudu; backup link on Archive.org)

Notes and referencesEdit

Kotor 2 Dxun Sith Tomb Fight

  1. Academy Training Manual
  2. Academy Training Manual, p. 157
  3. The Essential Atlas
  4. The Dark Side Sourcebook
  5. Image of Mars

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