Wow Using Spell Alerts And Addons

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  1. Wow Addons How To Install
  2. Wow Using Spell Alerts And Addons Free
  3. Wow Addon Spell Timer

WoW Addons

The decision to allow users to modify their World of Warcraft experience through the use of custom addons was one of the best the developers at Blizzard ever made. The addon community surrounding the game has flourished, and the customizability of the interface and ability to craft and implement useful tools is one of the things that keeps players continually coming back for more.

The WoW addon process can seem complicated, especially to a more casual gamer not accustomed to modifying their games the way PC players have for years. For those new to the idea, our Introduction to WoW Addons provides a general overview of the types of addons and their different functions.

Wow using spell alerts and addons download

If you’re ready to dive into the world of WoW addons, but just not sure where to get started, our article covering Where to Find WoW Addons has a rundown on two of the best places online to find programs to modify your game.

Installing WoW Addons

This addon was created to be a lightweight replacement for Power Auras but has since introduced more functionalities while remaining efficient and easy to use. An intuitive and powerful configuration interface; Custom textures including all textures from Power Auras and Blizzard's spell alerts.

  • SpellSteal alert/addon Sometimes when fighting a group of mobs several targets may have buffs like void shell or stone bulwark. Obviously the mob i am targeting i can see the buff appear on the target frame and i immediately spellsteal it.
  • It is SOUND ALERT addon leads you to become GLADIATOR, so having the name GladiatorlosSA. This addon will alert spells using customized voice. For example, when you are in BG or arena, an enemy uses his pvp trinket, a voice of 'Trinket' will come out. It can alert many spells(100+), each spell can be selected on or off.

Of course, downloading a bunch of sweet addons does you little good if you can’t install them. Our resident expert, Eric Stallsworth, has created a great walkthrough covering How to Install WoW Addons.

How to add addons wow

Check it out if you’re wondering exactly what it takes to go from downloading a program to actually using it in-game.

Top WoW Addons

There are a lot of WoW addons to choose from, and sorting through them all to find useful ones can be a bit of a chore. If you're looking for a little help with PvE, specificially raiding, soloing, or just general addons for the non-PvP side of the game, our Guide to PVE, Raiding, and Soloing Addons is a good place to start. Inside you'll find great ways to quickly and easily finish your quests, get a better idea of the status of your raid at any given time, maximize your DPS and more.

Finding programs that are useful for your specific class can be an even more difficult undertaking. Fortunately, here at Bright Hub, we have a team of writers who do all the legwork for you. There are ten classes in World of Warcraft, and Dick Ward's Guide to the Best Class-Specific Addons covers them all. Whether you're looking for a way to sort through and find the best equipment for each of your Druid's forms or figure out the optimal Death Knight ability to use at any given time, we've got an excellent WoW addon for your character.

If killing other players is more your speed, then you'll certainly appreciate the help offered by the excellent programs in our Guide to the Best WoW PvP Addons. Inside, you'll find great advice on debuff and spell timers, arena addons, and upgraded unit frames.

World of Warcraft Addons – Role-Specific Addons

Most of the healers out there know that a good healing addon can mean the difference between keeping your party upright and a devastating wipe. Healbot is one of the best WoW addons for healers, and our very own Jamie Skelton has written an incredibly in-depth Guide to the WoW Healbot Addon. This comprehensive walkthrough of the addon’s major features and benefits covers everything from installation, customization, slash commands, and skins.

Using this guide, you’ll be a Healbot master before you know it.

Auctioneer Addon

Many veteran WoW players will tell you, doing business on the Auction House without using the Auctioneer addon is not doing business at all. This fantastic addon provides you with suggested sell prices based on current market values, ensuring you always sell items as quickly as possible for the best possible price.

Our complete Guide to the Auctioneer Addon covers the ins and outs of this great program, including the in-depth search features, average price finders, and the best ways to earn maximum Auction House profits.

World of Warcraft Map Addons

Few World of Warcraft players find that the stock map has everything they’re looking for. Those who want to expand the capabilities of their in-game map should check out our Best Map Addons article. Inside, you’ll find addons that allow you to set your own custom waypoints, identify the loot that drops from specific mobs, navigate your way through instance dungeons, and much more.

Just for Fun

Not all WoW addons are made for serious business. With a game as large as World of Warcraft, many players feel the need to find creative ways to blow off steam. In our listing of the Best 'Just for Fun' WoW Addons, we scour the addon sites to bring you the most amusing WoW addons available.

Looking to kill some time while waiting on your guildmates to show up for a raid? We’ve got the best addons for wasting time like Bejeweled and Peggle. If turning your WoW playtime into a living comic book is something that interests you, then Comix may be something you’ll want to check out.

Wow Addons How To Install

Take a look at the guide to find the best in pointless, yet fun, WoW addons.

Gladiatorlossa for 3.3.5a/3.3.5

** All Clients are supported, but English and Spanish sounds are available at the moment

SoundAlerter is an addon that alerts players via sound when enemies are casting or have used certain abilities aswell as a tracker for when abilities have worn off (eg. divine shield down, deterrence down)
Originally formed from the idea of GladiatorLosSA (Cataclysm addon), This unique addon helps us alot in PvP, as in my opinion better than the Gladius cooldown trackers (Can be used well in conjuction with this aswell as SpellAlerter)

Addon Features:
  • Alerts you when enemies have casted special abilities
  • Supports Customisation of where you want the addon enabled.
  • Supports a “Target and Focus only” option (to avoid spamming in Battlegrounds)
  • The “Target and Focus only” option also alert you if debuffs that have afflicted you from players that aren’t your target or focus
  • The Addon has english sounds and limited Spanish sounds. If you want to contribute, PM me or bump the thread
  • Supports Chat alerts in party, arena and BG.
  • Supports custom sound and chat alerts for arena partners when they’re CC’d…alerter111.jpg…alerter222.jpg…alerter333.jpg…alerter444.jpgSlash commands
Slash commands for SoundAlerter will be /soundalerter, /salerter, or /sa (provided SpellAlerter or SunnArt isn’t enabled)

1. Click Zip
2. Extract the SoundAlerter Folder (inside the trololol-SoundAlerter3.3.5a-xx folder) into your WoW folder/Interface/Addons/

1. If an update is mentioned on the forum, the easiest way to update the addon is by deleting the SoundAlerter folder in your wow folder/interface/addons- make sure you have saved any mp3s, etc that you have added
2. Download the addon again and place it where the old folder was

Other Great PvP addons

SpellAlerter – Text alerter for Spells casted
Gladius – Arena frame addon that alerts when cooldowns are used
LoseControl – Spell Icon popup in middle of screen when CC’d
Icicle – Addon that shows enemy cooldowns on top of their nameplate

Help! The addon doesn’t work!
If the addon doesn’t work, Make sure:
1. You have went to
2. Clicked Zip and fully have downloaded the zip archive
3. Unzipped the SoundAlerter folder (inside the trololol-SoundAlerter3.3.5a-xx folder) into your WoW folder/Interface/Addons/
4. Made sure it’s enabled on your addon list, on your character selection screen, bottom right
5. If it’s enabled, log in the game and type /soundalerter
6. If nothing comes up, let me know

Okay /soundalerter shows up a menu, but the sound alerts aren’t working!
1. Make sure you have your WoW sound effects are on, volume turned up, and WoW and windows/mac sounds unmuted
2. Try pasting in this:
/run local f = CreateFrame(“frame”,nil, UIParent); f:SetScript(“OnUpdate”, CombatLogClearEntries);
3. If that didn’t work, check your sound options. Here is an example on how to set up your sound so you can only hear addons:…1611165329.jpg

Wow Using Spell Alerts And Addons Free


Wow Addon Spell Timer

Reformatted alot of code, and fixed alot of stuff, especially to do with arena members
Added if SunnArt or SpellAlerter is loaded, /sa won’t work
Move some spells under different menus
Added intimidating shout to friend CC’s
Added option for Sap text to be shown for friends
Fixed incorrect menu entry
Edited Menu names, added descriptions
fromTarget won’t be used anymore, it will now be myTarget destName or sourceName
Commented out ToTarget3 since it’s not used
Added arena1-5’s targets for proper targetting in arena

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