Apex Legends Battle Pass
Apex Legends Season 1 is now several weeks in. Here's a breakdown of how Battle Pass experience progression works and what players should focus on to reach level 110. A good battle pass, one that will make them the most money and get the most people playing the game, is one that is completable with 3 or fewer hours a week. Sure the hardcore of hardcore will complain about lack of unlocks.
How to Get the Season 1 Battle Pass in Apex Legends
Apex Legends Battle Pass Rewards
Apex Legends has burst out of the gates and is quickly generating a following. It is quite polished day 1, and mixes elements from both class-based shooters, team shooters, and battle royale games, of course. As a result people are eager to buy into the battle pass and are wondering how to get the season 1 battle pass in Apex Legends. Here’s how.
For starters, it’s important to note that as of the time of this writing, the season 1 battle pass in Apex Legends is not yet available. Respawn Games has shared a roadmap that outlines the first few seasons of Apex Legends.
We’re kind of in a pre-season of sorts as of launch day. Players can get a feel for the game, and Respawn can focus on getting some initial feedback.
In March at some point, the first battle pass from Apex Legends will be released and season 1 will formally start. It will include around 100 cosmetic items that will be yours to keep permanently should you choose to buy it.
If you don’t buy in, you can still get all of the cosmetics, but you’ll have to grind for them like you would do in most games of this nature. It’s a common feature of popular battle royale games.
While we don’t know for sure, once the Apex Legends battle pass launches, you should be able to just access it via the in-game store seen in the main menu, or from the PS Store/Xbox Store if you prefer.
It’s worth noting that at least this first battle pass will not include access to new legends. It’s unclear at the moment if future ones will include them.
Apex Legends Battle Pass Not Working
That does it for how to get to get the season 1 Apex Legends battle pass. Be sure to search Twinfinite for more guides and FAQs answered. If you’re looking for tips to get started, check out the best weapons, and best legends to play as so far.
Question: How do you get the season 1 battle pass in Apex Legends?
Answer: You can’t buy it until March. When it’s released in March, you should be able to easily purchase it from the in-game store.
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