Fallout 4 Console Commands Deutsch

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text] – [ ] Items and Objects

A simple list of Batch files to make common console commands easier to type. There are two versions, one with the DLC ammo, and one without, only download one.   The list includes: bat AddAid - Adds Stimpacks, Radx, Radaway, and MedX; bat AddAmmo - Adds all vanilla ammo types; bat AddAmmoDLC - Optional, adds all DLC ammo types. Dec 23, 2018  By activating the in-game console, pc players of Fallout 4 will initiate a full slew of cheat commands to change their game experience, for better or worse. During this Fallout 4 cheats guide, we’ve compiled a list of current Fallout 4 console commands and their subsequent functions. Fallout 4 mods. Simply activate the console in-game, type the command you want, press enter and then close the console again and watch your command take effect. If the tilde button (left of the 1 key) doesn't work, try the apostrophe key. It seems to vary depending on the nationality of your keyboard settings.

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– Items and Objects

ClearOwnership: allows you to remove the owned flag on any target that has one. Do not clear ownership on quest related target or you may break the quest.

  • Ex: Select an owned bed, type the command and execute. We can now spend an evening rolling in another’s secretions.

ClearOwnership Notes

ClearOwnership is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
– The safe use of ClearOwnership is quest determinant.
– Player: N/A
– List: N/A

SetOwnership: allows you to claim applicable targets including beds and containers. However, taking items from containers even after making them your own will still be considered stealing as you will own the container not the contents.

  • Ex: Select an owned bed, type the command and execute. Not only can I spend an evening in another’s dandruff but now it’s all mine.

SetOwnership Notes

SetOwnership is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
– The safe use of SetOwnership is quest determinant
– The player is the focus of this command
– List: N/A


  • Ex:

AddItem Notes

AddItem is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
AddItem is considered to be a Safe command to use
– To Target the player use player.AddItem
– Item Lists


  • Ex:

RemoveItem Notes

RemoveItem is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
RemoveItem is considered to be a Safe command to use
– To Target the player use player.RemoveItem
– Item Lists

DuplicateAllItems <destination container ID>: allows you to duplicate inventory items. To do this you need two containers.

  • Ex: The first container will contain any and every item that you wish to duplicate. Add what you like. Next you need the Form ID of a second container. This second container is where duplicate items will appear. Select a second container. Note the ID that appears. If the container is not empty it’s contents will be lost upon execution. With the console still open select the first container. Type the command. Space. Destination Container ID. Execute. Container 2’s inventory will now be an exact duplicate of container 1’s.

DuplicateAllItems Notes

DuplicateAllItems is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
DuplicateAllItems is considered to be a Safe command to use with empty containers and not the player
– Player: Do NOT target the player
– List: N/A

Lock <difficulty level>: Locks the selected door, safe, terminal or unlocked container. If you opt to add a variable, 1 through 100, this will ensure that the lock can only be picked or hacked by characters who are at or higher than the specified level.

  • Ex: Select a target. Type the command. Space. Type a value between 1 and 100 to specify the locks level of difficulty. Execute.

Unlock: Indiscriminately unlocks the selected door, safe, terminal or locked container.

  • Ex: Select a target. Type the command. Execute. Pretend those missiles that you fired at the door actually worked.


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5 Raiders that attacked a settlement. You killed them. You use markfordelete on one of them.There is a good chance that if raiders attack again there will only be 4 instead of 5.

Ex: Select a target. Type the command. Execute. The selection is now removed from your save file forever… if you save it that is.

Disable: The safer and recommended alternative to MarkForDelete. Selecting a target and typing Disable does not “remove” the mob from the game, but it does unload it from memory and it prevents FO4 from loading it again. xEdit users this would essentially be an Undelete Reference, kind of. So while it may slow down load times in time it will not affect fps or anything else in-game. Some mod references may take 15 in game days to be removed without you visiting the cell again. Visiting the cell will reset the 15 day timer. Before disabling a target be sure to write down the ID that you see on screen between the parentheses i you think you may want to enable the target again.

Enable: This command allows you to enable a target that you have disabled. Type the letters PRID. Leave a space. Type the ID of the object or actor that you have disabled (you can search the IDs online but this where writing down what you disable comes into play). Now with the full ID on screen type the command Enable. The disabled character or object will be re-enabled at it’s place of origin.

PlaceAtMe <NPC ID>

  • Ex:

player.PlaceAtMe Notes

PlaceAtMe is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
PlaceAtMe is considered to be a Safe command to use only with unnamed NPCs
– The player is the focus of this command
– Unnamed NPC List

PRID <NPC ID> MoveTo player:

  • Good Ex:
  • Bad Ex: (spoiler) Nick Valentine starts the game locked away as a hostage. If you teleport him to you before his initial quest is complete you may break it and anything that relies on it being complete.

MoveTo Notes

MoveTo is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
– The safe use of MoveTo is quest determinant.
– The player is the focus of this command
– Named NPC List

SetEssential: allows a killable NPC to be marked as essential so they don’t die. It also allows you to make essential NPCs permanently killable. This command seems to only work on named NPCs and not generic ones such as Raider or Settler though I could be wrong.

  • Ex: Type the command. Space. Type a characters ID (use the Help command if needed). Space and type either 1 to make them unkillable or 0 to make them killable. Execute. Enjoy the characters new immortality or their lack thereof.


OpenActorContainer 1: opens a targets inventory and allows you to take or give them anything without worry of stealing.

  • Ex: Select a target, type the command then execute. Exit the console and do with the NPCs inventory as you wish. I suggest to use caution if an NPC is holding a quest item.

OpenActorContainer 1 Notes

OpenActorContainer 1 is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
– The safe use of OpenActorContainer 1 is quest determinant
– To Target the player use player.OpenActorContainer 1
– List: N/A

GetRelationshipRank <NPC ID>: tells you what the relationship is between you and an NPC.

  • Ex: Select an NPC and note the ID that appears on screen. Type the command then leave a space. Enter the NPC ID and execute. Don’t forget to change your FaceBook status.

GetRelationshipRank Notes

SetOwnership is a Targeted Command
– This command has no affect
GetRelationshipRank is considered to be a Safe command to use
– The player is the focus of this command
– Lists of possible Relationships, Ranks and Affinity Levels

SetRelationshipRank <NPC ID>: allows you to set the relationship between you and an NPC.

  • Ex: Select an NPC and note the ID that appears on screen. Type the command then leave a space. Enter the NPC ID, followed by a value between -4 and 4 and execute. As with all lists a link to Relationship Ranks are provided.

SetRelationshipRank Notes

SetOwnership is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
SetRelationshipRank is considered to be a Safe command to use
– The player is the focus of this command
Fallout– Lists of possible Relationships, Ranks and Affinity Levels

GetAv CA_Affinity: informs you of the selected actors affinity towards you.

  • Ex: Select an NPC, type the command and execute. The returned value is the actors affinity score.

GetAv CA_Affinity Notes

GetAV CA_Affinity is a Targeted Command
– This command has no affect
GetRelationshipRank is considered to be a Safe command to use
– The player is the focus of this command
– Lists of possible Relationships, Ranks and Affinity Levels

ModAv CA_Affinity: adjust the targets affinity towards the player by the entered amount. Some NPCs have quests that trigger at a specific affinity level so take caution if you don’t want to start a quest.

  • Ex: Select an NPC and type the command. Leave a space, enter a number and Execute. To see if this command worked run the previous getav ca_affinity command on the actor.

ModAv CA_Affinity Notes

ModAv CA_Affinity is a Targeted Command
– Once executed the effects are Permanent
– The safe use of ModAv CA_Affinity is quest determinant
– The player is the focus of this command
– Lists of possible Relationships, Ranks and Affinity Levels

TAI or ToggleAI: toggles artificial intelligence off and on. If a specific target is selected only it’s AI will be affected. If nothing is selected AI will be toggled globally.

  • Ex: Type the command. Execute.

ToggleAI Notes

ToggleAI is a Toggle Command
– The effects cease once the game is exited.
ToggleAI is considered to be a Safe command to use
– Player: N/A
– List: N/A


ToggleAIDetection or TDetect: toggles the ability of all NPCs to be able to detect the player or not even when attacking them. Need to steal an item in a super mutant lair without being detected? Welcome to the ultimate sneak mode.

  • Ex: Type the command and execute.

ToggleAIDetection Notes

ToggleAIDetection is a Toggle Command
– The effects cease once the game is exited.
ToggleAIDetection is considered to be a Safe command to use
– Player: N/A
– List: N/A

SetUnconscious 1: puts the selected target into a permanent state of “sleep”. Their eyes will close and they will remain in position regardless of what you do to them. The position that they were in when you executed the command whether it be standing, sitting, kneeling or lying down is how they will remain.

  • Ex: Select a target. Type the command. Space. 1. Watch their eyes close and consciousness slip away. To make them conscious again: Select the target. Type the command. Space. 0… and good morning sunshine.

KillActor (Kill): Kills the selected NPC as long they are not marked as essential. Essential NPCs will be knocked down.

  • Ex: Select a target. Type the command. Execute. Literally…

KillAllActors (KillAll): Kills all non-essential NPCs in loaded cells regardless if they are friendly or hostile. Essential NPCs will be knocked down.

  • Ex: Type the command. Execute. Be cautious to not murder entire settlements… or don’t.

KillAllHostile (KAH): this safer alternative to KillAll will kills all non-essential NPCs in the loaded cells that are hostile towards you. Essential NPCs will be knocked down.

  • Ex: Type the command. Execute. You’re settlers will thank you… or not.

ResetHealth: resets the specified target, NPC or the player, back to full health.

  • Ex: Select a target. Type the command. Execute. Insert political joke here… or rather. don’t.

ResurrectActor (Resurrect): brings the selected target back to life. Missing body parts will remain missing. NPC heads may be missing as well even if they weren’t decapitated. Do not resurrect yourself if you die as you could corrupt your save.

  • Ex: Select the target. Type the command. Execute… or un-execute as the case may be.

PushActorAway <character ID> <height value>: will rocket the specified target into the air to the specified height. Used to both move characters blocking your path and for some funny moments. The actor will not take damage on landing. You can even target yourself.

  • Ex: Click on the character to get their ID. Type the command. Space. Enter the character ID. Space. Enter the value of how high you want to send this poor soul. Execute. Good-bye path blocker and frustration.




ModAv CarryWeight


SetAv SpeedMult <speed>





SetNPCWeight < amount




AddPerk <perk ID> : adds a specified perk to a target. The target can be the player or an NPC. It’s a little bit of process but we’ll keep it simple as possible.

  • Ex: Decide which Perk you want to add. Perks and other lists are on our website for faster reference. Once you have a perk in mind open the console. Type Help and leave a space. For this example enter the perk name, “Heavy Gunner”. If the perk name is more than a single word add double quotations to both sides of it. Leave a space and type the number 4 so that only Form Types are returned. Execute the command. In our situation the Heavy Gunner perk has returned 5 options. The first option is Heavy Gunner rank 1. The fifth option represents Heavy Gunner rank 5. Enter the fifth ID and all five ranks will be acquired at once. If you enter the third option you will only get 3 perk stars. Note the ID that you want to use. Select a target and enter the AddPerk command as shown. Leave a space, type the Perk ID and execute. The target is now a 5 star Heavy Gunner.

AddPerk Notes

– AddPerk is a Targeted Command

– Once executed the effects are Permanent

– AddPerk is considered to be a Safe command to use

– To Target the player use player.AddPerk

– Perk Lists

RemovePerk <perk ID>: removes a specified perk from a target. The target can be the player or an NPC.

  • Ex: Select your target as you would using the AddPerk command. Leave a space, type the Perk ID and execute. If the perk menu is opened you will have to exit and reopen it to see the changes.

RemovePerk Notes

– RemovePerk is a Targeted Command

– Once executed the effects are Permanent

– RemovePerk is considered to be a Safe command to use

– To Target the player use player.RemovePerk

– Perk Lists

Fallout 4 Cheats

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Fallout 4 Console Commands Deutsch Download

You summon any item or NPC from thin air, or make yourself immortal with a few Fallout 4 console commands and cheats. By pressing the tilde key (~), you can unlock the console, a gateway that lets you give yourself superpowers, spawn weapons and monsters, change your stats and attributes, speed up time, and complete the game with one tap of the Enter key.

Simply activate the console in-game, type the command you want, press enter and then close the console again and watch your command take effect. If the tilde button (left of the 1 key) doesn't work, try the apostrophe key. It seems to vary depending on the nationality of your keyboard settings.

Fallout 4 cheats and console commands

tgm — Good old god mode.

tcl — No collision. Walk through walls. Walk into the sky. Be free.

tfc — Activates free camera.

tfc 1 — Same as above, but freezes all animations. Great for screenshots.

tm — Toggles menus and UI on and off. It even stops you from seeing the console, so you'll have to press tilde and type tm again blind to get the UI back.

csb — Resets blood and damage effects.

fov [first-person FOV] [third-person FOV] — Change the FOV.

set timescale to [insert number here] — Speeds up or slows down time. The default setting is 16. 1 is realtime, 10,000 is crazy spectacular timelapse. Be sure to look when time's on fast forward because the sun and the moon actually bounce across the sky.

coc [cell id] – Teleports the player to an area.

  • Example: coc RedRocketExt

Finding item and NPC IDs

For a lot of these commands, you'll need to know how to get the IDs of items, NPCs, as well as the names of locations and factions. With the console open, clicking on a character or item will show its ID. Additionally, many commands act on the targeted character—so, whoever you clicked on. Sometimes it can be tricky to get the right ID to pop up (it's easy to select yourself accidentally), so using free cam (tfc) can help. You can also look up commands and IDs..

help [item name] [0-4] — Searches items, characters, commands, and more. Use Page Up and Page Down to scroll. 0 searches for everything.

Fallout 4 Console Commands Deutsch Free

  • Example: help 'attack dog' 0 would let you know that there's an NPC called 'attack dog' with the ID 000B2BF2. Make sure to use quotes when searching for two or more words.

coc qasmoke — This teleports you to a room with a number of boxes that contain every single item in the game. Surreal, but a good way to find item IDs. You can find an item ID by entering the console and clicking on the item in the game world with your mouse. It turns out that Dogmeat's real name is 0001d162.

How to change your character with Fallout 4 console commands

showlooksmenu player 1 — Reopens the character customization menu so you can change your look. You'll want to have your character's face centered on screen for this one.

player.setrace [race id] — Change your race (e.g. ghoul, mutant). Find race IDs with the help function, but beware of adverse side effects (most races just make it crash).

  • Example: player.setrace GhoulRace

player.resethealth — Resets your health.

setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number here] — Modifies your jump. Set it really high to vault over buildings like the Incredible Hulk. Warning, if you don't turn on god mode, the falling damage from your own jump will kill you.

tdetect — The AI won't detect you anymore. Steal to your heart's content.

player.modav [skill] [number] — Boost a skill by a numerical amount of your choosing. Eg. player.modav strength 10 will boost your strength by ten points. If there's a terminal you'd love to hack or an NPC you'd love to persuade, use this. However, if you want to unlock perks, use the next command.

player.setav [character variable] [number] — Sets a character trait to a new value. Unlike modav, this will unlock perks when you change your stats.

player.setav speedmult [insert number here] — The number you type in adds multiplier to your running speed, with hilarious consequences. Use in combination with god mode and the next command to go full superhero.

player.setlevel [insert number] — Boost your level to the number specified.

Fallout 4 console commands list

player/additem 0000000f [insert number here] — Adds bottlecaps equal to the number you specify.

player/additem 0000000a [insert number here] — Adds bobbypins equal to the number you specify.

player.additem [item ID] [number] — You may have noticed a pattern in the last two commands. Yes, you can add ANY item to your inventory this way as long as you know the item ID (see above for instructions for finding IDs).

How to manipulate NPCs with Fallout 4 console commands

tai — Turns AI off and causes everyone to stand still with a vacant look on their face.

tcai — Turns combat AI off. Brings peace to the world. Boring, boring peace.

killall — Kills everyone in the vicinity, apart from companions and any other characters deemed too vital to die. In that case they will slump down injured until you give them a stimpack.

kill [insert ID] — Kills the creature with the ID you supply. Type kill (0017fda3) now and wherever they are, the feral ghoul I tested this on will drop dead. Alternatively, click on an NPC with the console open and just type 'kill.'

resurrect [insert ID] — Brings the creature with the ID you supply back to life. Type resurrect (0017fda3) to bring the feral ghoul I tested this on back to life! He's having a torrid day. Alternatively, select a dead NPC with the console open and just type 'resurrect.' If you resurrect a headless NPC, be aware that they're going to remain headless.

recycleactor — Resets a character.

setscale [number from 1 to 10] — Makes you or your target HUGE. See the results in the picture at the top of the article.

sexchange — You'll never guess. Works on whoever is selected, though it may not have good results with unique characters.

getav CA_affinity — Get the affinity level of your current companion.

setav CA_affinity [number] — Sets your companion's affinity level to a number.

modav CA_affinity [number] – Adds a number to your companion's affinity level. Haven't noticed an effect.

unequipall — Unequip all items from the selected NPC.

How to change factions with Fallout 4 console commands

player.AddToFaction [faction id] [0 or 1] — Become allied with a faction. Alternatively, remove the 'player' prefix and this will affect the targeted NPC. 0 is friendly, 1 is allied.

  • Example: player.AddToFaction 00028670 1 to become allied with bugs.

player.RemoveFromFaction [faction id] — Remove yourself from a faction. Alternatively, remove the 'player' prefix and this will affect the targeted NPC.

removefromallfactions — Removes the target from all factions.

setally [faction id] [faction id] [0 or 1] [0 or 1] — Make two factions friendly (0) or allied (1).

setenemy [faction id] [faction id] [0 or 1] [0 or 1] —Make two factions neutral (0) or enemies (1).

How to complete the game with Fallout 4 console commands

completeallobjectives [Quest ID] — Complete all current objectives in a quest.

resetquest [Quest ID] – Reset a quest.

completequest [Quest ID] — Complete a quest.

caqs — This completes every step of the primary quest, effectively completing the game for you. WARNING: Don't use it if you want to avoid spoiling the entire game for yourself.

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