Grade Promotion Pay Fixation

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Each employee must be fitted in the new pay matrix based on the proposal to multiply his/her basic pay by a factor of 2.57. The new pay matrix will hold the figure (the revised salary), in the level corresponding to the grade pay of the individual. In case the given level does not hold the identical figure, the following higher figure nearest to it shall be the particular individual’s new pay. The following steps are used to fic the pay in the new pay matrix:

Promotion Pay Fixation Calculator FR 22(1)a(1). I got promotion in the grade pay of Rs.4200/- on and my pay is fixed at Rs.39,900/- applicable to the next level. I was not granted any increment since I got increment in the MACP. Is is correct. Any chance for me in getting any increment. Pay-fixation-for-the-Grade-Pay-Upgraded-by-Seventh-CPC Related Posts:Confederation: Promotion Levels in 7th CPC Pay7th Pay Commission News: Clarification regarding pay7th CPC Pay is almost most same even after getting MACPThe Charter of Demands (Annexure-A)Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure inPay Fixation on Pay Matrix Level 13 afterPay Protection Recommended by 3rd Pay Revision CommitteePay Fixation on MACP and. Rule 5(6) of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 provides for the fixation of pay of a Member of Service on promotion to Selection Grade (Level-13) of Pay Matrix by adding one increment in the Level-12 of Pay Matrix and two additional increments in the Level 13 to which he is promoted. Rule 5(5) of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 provides that the pay of a member of the Service in the Senior Time Scale shall, on promotion to the Junior Administrative Grade be fixed in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix.

  1. The basic pay drawn by an individual must be identified. The basic pay in this case is the pay in the pay band in addition to the grade pay. The figure so arrived at can be called ‘A’.
  2. ‘A’ must be multiplied by 2.57 and must be rounded off to the closest rupee. The figure so arrived at can be called ‘B’.
  3. ‘B’ will be the individual’s new pay in the pay matrix. If the value of ‘B’ is lower than the starting pay of the level, the pay will be the same as the starting pay of the particular level.

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Pay Fixation after Promotion in 7th Pay Commission

Pay fixation on promotion: If an employee is promoted from one grade to another under the revised pay structure, the fixation will take place in the following manner:

  1. A single increment will be equal to 3% of the amount of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay will be calculated and rounded off to the multiple of 10. The amount so generated shall be added to the current pay in the pay band.
  2. But, the 7th Pay Commission so fixed should not be less than the minimum of the pay band to which the employee is promoted.
  3. The employee who is promoted will receive the grade pay designated to the cadre to which he/she is promoted.


Pay Fixation 2018 Bangladesh

The following are the exceptions to the general rule:


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(a) When promotion takes from PB 4 to HAG scale of Rs.67000 – 79000, after adding one increment, pay in the Pay Band and existing Grade Pay will be added. To the figure so arrived at a sum of Rs.2000/- will be added. The pay so fixed is subject to a minimum of Rs.67000 and a maximum of Rs.79000

(b) The promotion from the Grade of Under Secretary/equivalent to the Grade of Deputy Secretary/Equivalent. The pay of the other will be fixed by granting an amount equal to two increments. i.e., 6 % of their Basic Pay. The figure so arrived at, a sum of Rs.1000 i.e., the difference between the Grade Pay of under Secretary and Deputy Secretary (7600-6600) will be added.

It is recommended that the financial benefit availed on promotion should be a significant amount. Promotions in most departments are based on a skill test or a qualifying examination after several years of the stipulated residency period in the Feeder Cadre under the Recruitment rules.

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