Powershell Check If File Exists

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  1. Power Shell Check If File Exists
  2. Powershell Check If File Exists Before Copy

Welcome › Forums › General PowerShell Q&A › Script to check if zip file exist and send email. This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated. Test 123.txt' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that. PowerShell Script to find if a Folder Exists, I want a script to find if a Folder Exists (I should be able to provide the Folder), it should automatically look at all the Drives and output the Path. Hi, How can I check if any file exist on a remote FTP-server with powershell and so the return value is False or True? I need that value since I use Invoke-Command in an other script to call for this script and if it isn't possible I can change the script a bit so it write to a logfile and I'll have another script checking that log file.

I have this script which compares files in two areas of the disk and copies the latest file over the one with the older modified date.

Here is the format of files-to-watch.txt

I would like to modify this so that it avoids doing this if the file does not exist in both areas and prints a warning message. Can someone tell me how I can check if a file exists using PowerShell?

2,35115 gold badges65 silver badges123 bronze badges
Samantha J T StarSamantha J T Star
6,00858 gold badges190 silver badges340 bronze badges

6 Answers

Just to offer the alternative to the Test-Path cmdlet (since nobody mentioned it):

Does (almost) the same thing as

except no support for wildcard characters

Mathias R. JessenMathias R. Jessen
62.9k5 gold badges72 silver badges118 bronze badges

Use Test-Path:

Placing the above code in your ForEach loop should do what you want

16.9k7 gold badges42 silver badges53 bronze badges
2,0922 gold badges20 silver badges29 bronze badges

The standard way to see if a file exists is with the Test-Path cmdlet.

Mike ShepardMike Shepard
13.4k6 gold badges41 silver badges58 bronze badges

You can use the Test-Path cmd-let. So something like...

7581 gold badge9 silver badges25 bronze badges

Test-Path may give odd answer. E.g. 'Test-Path c:temp -PathType leaf' gives false, but 'Test-Path c:temp* -PathType leaf' gives true. Sad :(

Zoltan HernyakZoltan Hernyak

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I do not understand.

Step 1. Check SOURCE folder txt files against PROCESS_ARCHIVE folder txt files. If SOURCE contains files that are not present in PROCESS_ARCHIVE, copy these extra txt files to PROCESS folder.

Step 2. Check SOURCE folder txt files against PROCESS_ARCHIVE txt files. If same files exist in both, move txt files from SOURCE to LOCAL_ARCHIVE.

Step 1: Copy files which exist in SOURCE to PROCESS_ARCHIVE
Step 2: Copy updated files which exist in SOURCE to PROCESS_ARCHIVE
Question 1: What am I missing?

Power Shell Check If File Exists

Powershell Check If File Exists Before Copy

Question 2: Why do you think you cannot use Robocopy for this?

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